This README is intended to guide the user in how to use HW-08.
The assignment is hosted on github here:
The purpose of this HW is to calculate the solution to a linear system Ax = b using the Thomas Algorithm where A is a tridiagonal matrix.
This is an exact and efficient method to solve a linear system. It is better than taking an inverse for this sparse matrix.
The Thomas algorithm is used as an efficient method of solving this system. See the documentation of the thomas_solver function for a description of the algo.
- (DRIVER) Thomas algorithm example.
- Contains functions that solve the system using the thomas algo.
Because the file includes the code:
if __name__ == "__main__":
the easiest way to run the example is from the terminal.
Within your command line / terminal, navigate to the folder containing the script, and just run:
^ Note that this homework actually uses python3 not python2 as I normally do.
A numpy array should output:
[ 4.54545455 0.90909091 3.63636364 1.81818182 2.72727273 2.72727273
1.81818182 3.63636364 0.90909091 4.54545455]