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iv_between() detects when needles, a vector, falls between the bounds of haystack, an iv. It works similar to base::%in%, where needles[i] checks for a match in all of haystack.

This function returns a logical vector the same size as needles containing TRUE if the value in needles is between any interval in haystack and FALSE otherwise.


iv_between(needles, haystack, ..., missing = "equals")



[vector, iv]

needles should be a vector and haystack should be an iv. needles should have the same type as the start/end components of haystack.

  • Each element of needles represents the value to search for.

  • haystack represents the intervals to search in.


[vector, iv]

needles should be a vector and haystack should be an iv. needles should have the same type as the start/end components of haystack.

  • Each element of needles represents the value to search for.

  • haystack represents the intervals to search in.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


[logical(1) / "equals" / "error"]

Handling of missing values in needles.

  • "equals" considers missing values in needles as exactly equal to missing intervals in haystack when determining if there is a matching relationship between them. Matched missing values in needles result in a TRUE value in the result, and unmatched missing values result in a FALSE value.

  • "error" throws an error if any values in needles are missing.

  • If a single logical value is provided, this represents the value returned in the result for values in needles that are missing. You can force missing values to be unmatched by setting this to FALSE, and you can force them to be propagated by setting this to NA.


A logical vector the same size as needles.


x <- as.Date(c("2019-01-05", "2019-01-10", "2019-01-07", "2019-01-20"))

y <- iv_pairs(
  as.Date(c("2019-01-01", "2019-01-03")),
  as.Date(c("2019-01-04", "2019-01-08")),
  as.Date(c("2019-01-07", "2019-01-09")),
  as.Date(c("2019-01-10", "2019-01-20")),
  as.Date(c("2019-01-15", "2019-01-20"))

#> [1] "2019-01-05" "2019-01-10" "2019-01-07" "2019-01-20"
#> <iv<date>[5]>
#> [1] [2019-01-01, 2019-01-03) [2019-01-04, 2019-01-08) [2019-01-07, 2019-01-09)
#> [4] [2019-01-10, 2019-01-20) [2019-01-15, 2019-01-20)

# Detect if any location where `x` is between the intervals in `y`
iv_between(x, y)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

a <- c(1, NA)
b <- iv(c(NA, NA), c(NA, NA))

# By default, missing values in `needles` are treated as being exactly
# equal to missing intervals in `haystack`, so the missing value in `a` is
# considered between the missing interval in `b`.
iv_between(a, b)
#> [1] FALSE  TRUE

# If you'd like to propagate missing values, set `missing = NA`
iv_between(a, b, missing = NA)
#> [1] FALSE    NA

# If you'd like missing values to be treated as unmatched, set
# `missing = FALSE`
iv_between(a, b, missing = FALSE)