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  • stepper() returns a function that can be used to add or subtract a number of days from a Date, "stepping" over events specified by an rschedule. You supply it the rschedule to step relative to, and then call the returned function with the number of days to step by.

  • workdays() is a convenient stepper for stepping over the weekend.

  • %s+% steps forwards.

  • %s-% steps backwards.

You must use %s+ and %s-% to control the stepping. + and - will not work due to limitations in R's S3 dispatch system. Alternatively, you can call vctrs::vec_arith() directly, which powers %s+% with a correct double dispatch implementation.



x %s+% y

x %s-% y

workdays(n, since = NULL, until = NULL)




An rschedule, such as an rrule, runion, rintersect, or rsetdiff.

x, y


Objects to perform step arithmetic on. Typically Dates or steppers.



The number of days to step. Can be negative to step backwards.



The lower bound on the event set. Depending on the final recurrence rule, pieces of information from this anchor date might be used to generate a complete recurrence rule.



The upper bound on the event set.


  • stepper() returns a function of 1 argument, n, that can be used to step by n days, relative to the rschedule.

  • workdays() return a new stepper object.

  • %s+% and %s-% return a new shifted Date vector.


Internally, a stepper is just powered by alma_step(), so feel free to use that directly.


# A Thursday and Friday
x <- as.Date(c("1970-01-01", "1970-01-02"))

# Thursday is stepped forward 1 working day to Friday,
# and then 1 more working day to Monday.
# Friday is stepped forward 1 working day to Monday,
# and then 1 more working day to Tuesday
x %s+% workdays(2)
#> [1] "1970-01-05" "1970-01-06"

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

on_weekends <- weekly() %>%

on_christmas <- yearly() %>%
  recur_on_day_of_month(25) %>%

rb <- runion(on_weekends, on_christmas)

workday <- stepper(rb)

# Friday before Christmas, which was on a Monday
friday_before_christmas <- as.Date("2000-12-22")

# Steps over the weekend and Christmas to the following Tuesday
friday_before_christmas %s+% workday(1)
#> [1] "2000-12-26"

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Christmas in 2005 was on a Sunday, but your company probably "observed"
# it on Monday. So when you are on the Friday before Christmas in 2005,
# stepping forward 1 working day should go to Tuesday.

# We'll adjust the previous rule for Christmas to roll to the nearest
# non-weekend day, if it happened to fall on a weekend.
on_observed_christmas <- radjusted(
  adjust_on = on_weekends,
  adjustment = adj_nearest

# Note that the "observed" date for Christmas is the 26th
alma_search("2005-01-01", "2006-01-01", on_observed_christmas)
#> [1] "2005-12-26"

rb2 <- runion(on_weekends, on_observed_christmas)

workday2 <- stepper(rb2)

friday_before_christmas_2005 <- as.Date("2005-12-23")

# Steps over the weekend and the observed Christmas date
# of 2005-12-26 to Tuesday the 27th.
friday_before_christmas_2005 %s+% workday2(1)
#> [1] "2005-12-27"