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  • cal_next() generates the next holiday after x.

  • cal_previous() generates the previous holiday before x.

If no holiday exists before/after x, a missing row is generated.


cal_next(x, rcalendar, ..., inclusive = FALSE)

cal_previous(x, rcalendar, ..., inclusive = FALSE)




A vector of dates.



An rcalendar.


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.



If x is an event, should it be considered the next or previous event?


A two column data frame, like cal_events(), which is the same size as x

and contains either the next or previous holiday relative to x.


x <- as.Date(c("2023-04-11", "2023-08-10", "2021-05-06"))
cal <- cal_us_federal()

cal_next(x, cal)
#>              name       date
#> 1 US Memorial Day 2023-05-29
#> 2    US Labor Day 2023-09-04
#> 3 US Memorial Day 2021-05-31
cal_previous(x, cal)
#>                  name       date
#> 1  US Presidents' Day 2023-02-20
#> 2 US Independence Day 2023-07-04
#> 3  US Presidents' Day 2021-02-15