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This family of adj_*() functions encode business logic for common date adjustments. If x falls on an event date, it is adjusted according to the function's adjustment rule. Otherwise it is left untouched.

  • adj_following()

    Choose the first non-event date after x.

  • adj_preceding()

    Choose the first non-event date before x.

  • adj_modified_following()

    Choose the first non-event date after x, unless it falls in a different month, in which case the first non-event date before x is chosen instead.

  • adj_modified_preceding()

    Choose the first non-event date before x, unless it falls in a different month, in which case the first non-event date after x is chosen instead.

  • adj_nearest()

    Choose the nearest non-event date to x. If the closest preceding and following non-event dates are equally far away, the following non-event date is chosen.

  • adj_none()

    Performs no adjustment and returns x unchanged.


adj_following(x, rschedule)

adj_preceding(x, rschedule)

adj_modified_following(x, rschedule)

adj_modified_preceding(x, rschedule)

adj_nearest(x, rschedule)

adj_none(x, rschedule)




A vector of dates.



An rschedule, such as an rrule, runion, rintersect, or rsetdiff.


An adjusted vector of Dates.


# A Saturday
x <- as.Date("1970-01-03")

on_weekends <- weekly() %>% recur_on_weekends()

# Adjust forward to Monday
adj_following(x, on_weekends)
#> [1] "1970-01-05"

# Adjust backwards to Friday
adj_preceding(x, on_weekends)
#> [1] "1970-01-02"

# Adjust to nearest non-event date
adj_nearest(x, on_weekends)
#> [1] "1970-01-02"
adj_nearest(x + 1, on_weekends)
#> [1] "1970-01-05"

# Sundays, one of which is at the end of the month
sundays <- as.Date(c("2020-05-24", "2020-05-31"))

# Adjust forward, unless that takes us into a new month, in which case we
# adjust backwards.
adj_modified_following(sundays, on_weekends)
#> [1] "2020-05-25" "2020-05-29"

# Saturdays, one of which is at the beginning of the month
saturdays <- as.Date(c("2020-08-01", "2020-08-08"))

# Adjust backwards, unless that takes us into a new month, in which
# case we adjust forwards
adj_modified_preceding(saturdays, on_weekends)
#> [1] "2020-08-03" "2020-08-07"